Dojo Rules & Procedures

SAFETY is the most important concern in the dojo.

Students who are unable to follow instructions, train recklessly, or attempt to injure another student, will be withdrawn from the course.

  1. Students will remove shoes upon entering the dojo and shoes are never permitted on the mats.
  2. Food is not permitted in the dojo.
  3. Students must always speak respectfully to the instructor and their classmates.
  4. Upon entering or leaving the dojo training area, students will bow towards the front of the dojo as a sign of respect. Bows to the instructor will also occur when class begins and ends. After a senior student calls attention with sensei ni rei (greet/thank the teacher), the opening salutation is onegai shimasu (please teach/take care of me), and the closing salutation is arigato gozaimasu (thank you).
  5. Should a student be unavoidably late for class, the student will enter the dojo quietly and wait at attention at the edge of the mat until the instructor gives a sign of permission to join the class. Pushups or other exercises will be assigned.
  6. Students will bow to their training partner before and after they have finished working together. Students will turn around and adjust their gi if needed prior to bowing.
  7. Should it be necessary for a student to leave the dojo during class, the student first receives permission from the instructor. Bathroom visits should occur before class begins. Students should have a water bottle as trips to the water fountain are not permitted. Breaks will occur as a group when the instructor gives permission.
  8. Students, when being addressed or taught a technique, will be seated on the mat with a posture fitting the spirit of the martial arts (either crossed legs or seiza position). Silence will be observed and attention paid to the activity at hand.
  9. Uniforms (gi) should be kept clean at all times. Complete gi will be worn while practicing in the dojo unless otherwise instructed. It is recommended that females wear a t-shirt or aerobic top underneath their gi.
  10. Sparring will only occur with the instructor’s permission, and when supervised. Protective equipment must be worn when sparring. This includes headgear, a mouthpiece, and teacher-approved training gloves. Sparring is light contact only.
  11. Students will ensure that they are personally clean and their toenails and fingernails are closely trimmed. Jewelry may not be worn during class. This is to protect both you and your training partner.
  12. Martial arts practice at school is to occur in the dojo only unless otherwise instructed by the teacher.
  13. Martial arts students will face course suspension/expulsion if bullying or fighting in/outside of class in a non-self-defense situation occurs.